Andrew, High School Teacher, Sydney
As a teacher in south west Sydney, Andrew is overworked and underpaid. He is deeply committed to his students and could achieve far more with them with additional time and resources.
What is the best thing about being a teacher?
Being a teacher is a deeply rewarding experience as I am able to make transformative change to the lives of students. Students in my community have a great deal of challenges and the efforts I apply foster enduring connections. In saying that, my efforts take place in a deeply collegial and supportive environment. My colleagues are fantastic teachers and we work together every day to deliver quality education to our students
Are there things that need to change in your view?
Teachers are underpaid, overworked and under-resourced. In my 16 years, the workload has increased immensely and there are constant competing pressures, which make it exceedingly difficult to focus on our primary obligation, educating children.
What are the benefits of giving teachers more preparation time?
Increased preparation time would be a godsend as it would allow for me to develop and implement better teaching programs that would cater to the complex needs of my students. It would allow for meaningful collaboration time with colleagues and allow us to plan the learning our students deserve.
Why did you sign up for the More than thanks campaign?
I’ve joined the More Than Thanks campaign because the students of NSW deserve better. Regardless of their socio-economic status, they deserve to be taught by qualified, subject specialist teachers. Our students also deserve access to a rich, well-planned curriculum delivered by teachers who are empowered to focus on the core business of teaching.