Nikolai Liu, High School teacher, Blue Mountains
What is the best thing about being a teacher? The best thing about being a teacher is the fact that you make a difference in people's lives and help give them a better future.
Are there things that need to change in your view?
There is such a big shortage of teachers in NSW. I teach in Technology education where the problem is even worse. There are not enough graduates coming out of university in our subject area. As a high school teacher I see the continual job ads for teachers and schools screaming out for a Technology teacher. There is a hidden side to this as well. As Technology education is an elective subject after year 8, schools will not offer electives for subjects that they cannot staff so if we had more Technology teachers, schools would be able to offer the subjects that students actually want to learn.
What are the benefits of giving teachers more preparation time?
If teachers had more preparation time they could do a better job of teaching. It is as simple as that.
Why did you sign up for the More than thanks campaign?
I think that this is a crucial time in the NSW public education system. We really are at a crossroads, if we are going to make a difference or just plod along like we have been for some time or going backwards.